Wallah!! yeah, this entry is all about food. Kih3! Was born and raised in a family that loves to eat. Put the blame on the tasty food.  Well, foods unite my family, sort of la. That's why la the most popular and busiest place in my house is kitchen and the almost 40 years old dining table. Seriously, dapur tu kalo ade traffic light, memang bising dengan bunyi horn je kot. Bunyi kelentung kelentang masak lagi. Hua2! Upacara utama during family is serbuan secara besar-besaran ke dapur. Yup! Talking about food la kan, my family ade few dishes yang diturunkan by my late Siddi, or atok la. Sumenye yang berat2 and havoc la kenyangnye je. Few people je yang pandai masak makanan2 beliau which are my mak and my aunt. Antara makanan heritage in my fam are nasi arab, roti arab comes with onion scramble eggs or minced beef with foul nuts and eggs,bubur gandum, murtabak baikkkk punye, nasi dhal comes with dalca daging with veggies and ade la few lagi yang I cant remember at all. Ceh! Makan pandai.. So since jarang2 balik, yesterday before I jump into the bus, mama made me nasi Arab. Craving je kalo balik. Dalam bus on the way balik Rompin, dalam kepala memutar je nak makan kat umah nanti. Ho3! And fortunately, my wish granted!!

yes!!this is how I looks like kalau
sampai depan  rumah.

ni rupa bila dah naik tangga rumah.koh3!

  yosh!!buruk la kan kalo dah macam tu rupa. Tu just jokes je, tak kan nak naik rumah rupa macam tu.. Kena baling dengan mesin kelapa la gayanya. Kih3! Actually, nak tunjuk few pictures proses pembuatan nasi Arab ni. Memang delicious for me la, certain people cant accept it cause to them, muak and pelik and so much more la. To me it is heaven sebab dari kecik dok sumbat mende alah ni. Weeeee!!! 

minyak sapi

ha!!ni la bahan utama pembikinan nasik Arab ni. Ngah3! MINYAK SAPI @ GHEE!! Minyak sapi ni sentiasa la ade dalam dapur mak aku, so no wonder la kitorang punye badan pon dah macam sapi. Ha3! Pure punye fat tuuu... Sume bende pon nak pakai minyak sapi. Kerana susu, sapi dapat dapat nama. Keh3! Bak kata mama "kalo ade 10 tong minyak sapi, 10 tong jugak la habes dalam mase 1 hari".

pure chicken stock!

minyak sapi selamat dalam kuali

all the spices

the last product!

actually, x sempat nak amik snap mase mama letak beras and stok ayam sbb busy main game. Ho3! tibe2 je dah siap. So soory. :) Pastu, this nasi dimakan with sejenis acar, acar kucai. Kalo orang tak biase makan acar kucai, you can eat it with acar biasa yang ade timun tu. Wink2! But I prefer acar kucai most.

before jadi acar

after jadi acar

sooo, it's time to makan la after sume yang berlaku. Ho3! Tengah berasap-asap memang tempting sangat nasi Arab tu. Makan sampai pengsan pon okay. So what else, I dig into it. Very thankful to mama cause made it for me before balik UUM, so this grateful face shows how much I like the food enough. Ngeh3!

thankful face! :D

Alhamdulillah. Excuse me.Ho3!super filled enough!

penangan minyak sapi to me...ngantuk woooo!!!

perut kenyang, hati pon senang balik Kedah!! weee!!

So, itulah jelah perjalan nas Arab dari mula sampai lah selamat masuk perut and I'm happily ever after balik UUM dalam keadaan terpaksa. Ha3! leaving all good food is not easy you know. Huh! Till the, next time when I'm home and my mak buat another family food, I'll let all of you know. *lepas selamat masuk perut la* Ho3! Dushhh,daaaa..wait!! before that, this is my latest favourite song. Try to enjoy it. Acted by Harry Potter's guy, Rupert Grin.



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