So, through this entry, I would like to present everything about me life along the way me and me friends here in UUM a.k.a Universiti Utara Malaysia atau dalam nada berlagak riak bongkak Northern University of Malaysia atau panggilan alamnya Universiti Ulu @ Utan Malaysia. But doesn't matter how you call and define it, I proudly saying this that I do love UUM mucho! Mucho2 along with my undefined mates who are I've been with for 3 years. Sometimes I just can't believe that how did I survived along the 3 years I'm in UUM. Glad! Yokatta! I really want to show you all those places in UUM and my effort is, I took all the pictures in UUM to be updated in me blog. Whoops! Not forget my companion during the journey to the east, me sister Miss Mastura. Yep, she is on of the photographer. Credits for her effort too. :D. What I love most about UUM is it doesn't put my life in hectic mode cause of it surroundings. Yela, I do love nature, duit pon tak habeh banyak sebab duduk dalam hutan. Surrounded by hills and beautifully located in a valley. All the monyets are friendly except in Kachi Hill. Macam barbarian pon ado. Ho3! But pada yang suka city life, you might be in such a misery life la. Ha3! Then, as a starter, I would like to show you my checklist places yg wajibul ghunnah diambik gambornye. Mesti cukup! Ho3! Drenched by sweat kind of efforts! Worth it. :)
the checklist. mind the handwriting, I know it's horrible! |
So, according to my checklist, the first thing is about COLGIS. Yep, COLGIS is my lovely college, I was under COLGIS, as my course which is International Affairs Management is under School of International Studies. COLGIS stands for College of Law, Government and International Studies. The longest acronym in UUM but only few course is under it. Before DKG 6 was built, under COLGIS are only Law, Public, Development and INTAFF students. Then after COLGIS was expanded, few courses from CAS and COB diletakkan under COLGIS. So, COLGIS consists 2 DKGs or Dewan Kuliah Gunaan which are 5 and 6. It's BIG now! Dulu kecik je, isolated COLGIS ni. Kui3! Yela, students under it tak berapa nak banyak. Ngeh3! This semester, I got 2 classes in DKG 6 yang maha panjang dan maha besar nak pengsan. And dengan bangganya my classes were at the last two buildings at DKG 6 tu. Peh, memang rase macam athlete la mase jalan tu. Kalah Usian Bolt yang champion tu. Huuu.... But at least rase jugak kan kelas baru yang chantek tu. Proud wohhhhh! So, juniors yang masuk this coming September, all of you just got piece of my waste. Keh3! What I love about COLGIS ni, tak campur2 dengan another two colleges, so rase macam best and not so crowded. It was la, but now since expanded, serabut serabai pon ado. Rase macam ramai sangat manusia kat dunia ni, macam nak je cakap, "Hallo2, boleh masuk U lain tak? please." Pehh, x beragak. Tempat yang paling crowded kat COLGIS tu of course la tempat makan kan. Tempat makan yang popular is Chengkeh. *sebab die satu2 nye kat COLGIS* So, here is some of the pictures kat COLGIS.
yes,this is what mumbling about. COLGIS, the original
building. mine. <3 |
from the side. |
the best hang out place with me mates. |
haha! bangunan bilik lecs. Model tu?? x berbayar. |
from the highest floor. |
 | lah DKG 5. |
okay, ni dah bangunan baru. |
ni lah DKG 6, yang ade 21 bijik. Mau x asma kalo nak g
kelas, so jangan g kelas. :p |
the view from the main road. |
macam hebat kan? koh3! |
Next is COB, it stands for College of Business
. Haaaaa, ini kolej yang menjana wang dengan sangat hebat sebab sume budak business belaja kat sini. Ha4! Sini kalo jumpe majority asyik mengira untung rugi, sambil kire2 jari kaki. :). Got few classes here la since my minor and core ade paper business. Antara paper menusuk jiwa kat COB were International Business and International Management. Pehhhhh, squeezing my brain type of subjects. Gahh! Ha, luckily berjaya. COB ni consists DKG 1 and DKG 2. Seronok jugak jalan-jalan kat area sini sebab tak serabut sangat. Tak banyak sangat gambar pasal college ni sebab tak menarik minat ana lah. Ho3!
yeahh!! I see money2, come here to me! ha2! |
you go to class, free a D-Max.ha3! |
bilik lecs, kind of sad kalo naik tangga hujung sini,
bilik lec hujung sane. Ha3! kayuh laaa. |
Okay, CAS is the second in my checklist. CAS stands for College of Arts and Sciences and the busiest college in UUM. Ho3! Yela, students under CAS sangatlerr ramei. I did have few classes in CAS sebab classes yang aku amik tu sumenye kelas teras universiti. It means wajib amik la, kalau tak amik kene cantas kepala di samping tak merase nak grad dan lain2. CAS consists two halls which are DKG 3 and DKG 4. Sangat la besar CAS ni, so sape yang dapat kelas from CAS to COLGIS, you will be drenched in sweat seriously. Wishing for magic wand, awan terbang and all kind of silly wishes so you don't have to rush in time and attend classes. So, paper teras universiti kat CAS ni antaranya Hubungan Etnik yang aku baru amik sem ni *baru amik okay, bukan repeat! x de 'R' pun tepi name koi dalam attendance list* dush! yang lain2 plak macam Kenegaraan (I'm Malaysian), TITAS dan beberapa lagi yang I can't remember. Hueh! Tak sampai suku abad lagi umur dah pelupa. Kat sini jugak la beratur untuk daftar bahasa asing for hours, gigih sangat in order to get into Spanish class and I did it. But dulu mase awal2 dulu kalo nak cari bilik lecturer and kelas kecik2 yang kat dalam CAS ni, macam nak ngamok je perasaan. Perasaan macam nak buat riot and makan ABC je. Har3! Seriously CAS ni macam labyrinth, you need GPS while you are walking in this place. :p Few pics ya.
yeah! here we are, College of Art and Sciences. |
front view from bus stop. |
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an honor. I was here. |
view untuk masuk DKG 3. |
Yes, the least favourite place of few people like me. Hi3! Seriously, hanye beberape perkara sahaja yang menyebabkan ana pergi ke gua knowledge ini seperti membayar denda buku sebanyak RM 6.70 yang disimpan dari sem 3 lagi. Bukan tak nak bayar, tapi bukan salah ana lah, sape suh sistem renew buku secara online macam keldai lah. Stress wooo, niat nak menambah ilmu *sebenarnye kedekut ilmu dengan memeram buku tu untuk satu sem*, tetibe time nak renew tarikh pinjam, sistem library not working. Dan di kala itu anda di bumi Pahang, agak2 ape rase kan?? Macam nak baling bom je kat umah bilal sebelah. Grrr! Jauh tak dapat dicapai. Sebagai langkah terbaik, naik cuti bayor la weh. Bile report kat desk cakap salah sistem, diorang cakap still kene bayar ni dik. Pergh.... perasaan macam nak suap diorang dengan buku politics yang tebal kulit gajah dan badak rasenye. Akok ni tau dop, duit PTPTN tu memang kitorang nak bayor denda je. Sukew gilew kitew dengar! =_=. Semenjak kejadian tu, ana tak pernah pinjam buku directly sebab sakit jiwa, jadi mangsa sahabat2 ana lah. Ha3! Thanks guys, all of you saved my assignments. :) Enough with the stories, here are some pictures. Memorable when I was there, sitting on the stairs there, watching anak-baranak Sami Yusuf, Maher Zain, Isam Bachiri and Kami keluar from the library. Ha3! Clear your throat properly mates. :p
pintu keluar masuk yang sgt sibuk. |
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PSB, heaven for geek! haha! sorry. |
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unpaid models! :) |
Next is Canselori. Canselori ni exactly in the middle of UUM,kirenye eyes of UUM la, dan kat Canselori ni ade fountain yang besar dan chantek. Seriously fountain ni jadi tumpuans students and visitors amik gamabr. Tappi bile air memancut la,kalo tak de air, orang tak pedulik pon. Ha3! Mane ade orang nk amik gambar time fountain tak de air pancut2. Kih3! Katak pon tak nak swim2 kat situ sebab tak menyeronokkan. Depan Canselori ni boleh dikatekan agak traffic jam la time weekdays sebab kat situ la boleh tengok students run baby run kejar nak pegi kelas and keluar dari library. Memang seronok lepak situ time peak hour, sebab tengok orang. Ha3! Everybody has their own agenda la kan. Canselori ni jugak office TNC UUM, Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Ishak. The view depan and belakang of this bangunan ni memang amusing, greenish view. Ekeke. Suke la jalan2 and lepak kat area Canselori ni. Here are some pictures.
jam besar facing Canselori |
fountain and Canselori. |
Well, next is Varsity Mall. yes, Varsity Mall ni agak tumpuan la especially during night. Kat sini macam-macam ade,usually students get their basic needs here. Consists Bank Islam, Bank Nasional, marts, tempat makan and banyak lagi la. Favourite place is tempat jual aiskrim kon yang menjadi tumpuan mata ni kalo lalu situ. RM 1.50 per cone and it's good especially after had a long and busy day. To quench your thirst pon okay la. Ha3! My fav are choc chip and mint. Lovely for me and my tummy. :) Kalau lepak sini malam-malam memang meriah macam raya jugak la, you may see various types of people. Laluan Varsity Mall ni menjadi one of my favourite path when I'm so lapar and heading and stride over my long legs to Sri Nongka, EON's cafe. Lovely!
at night, macam masuk club je. :p |
sorry, I will never can make a pic
beautiful. :) |
Haaaaaa, ni antara tempat lepaking students yang agak popular la kan. Kui3! Kalo tasik Sime Darby a.k.a tasik Guthrie ni, tempat best untuk beriadah kalo petang-petang sambil kayaking, cuci ing mata, jogging and dating. Whopps! Memang suke pon bebudak UUM ni dating situ sambil duduk atas batu yang damai dan melontar pandangan masuk dalam tasik. Peh! Dating yang annoying okay, jangan la tiru mereka. Pernah berdoa ade biwak sergah diorang, tapi rasenye biawak pon segan dengan perlakuan mereka. Dulu pernah gak main kayak kat situ petang-petang, since rumput dan lalang dah jadi balak dalam tasik tu, aktiviti tersebut dihentikan demi keselamatan diri saye. Yes!! Saye tak nak kayak2 dalam tasik tu dengan kehadiran dan sapaan brader biawak. Tak sanggup wok, ade kang biawak tu kene ketuk laju2 ngan paddle kayak saye tu. Tak pon kalo tak biawak tu lari laju2 terapung atas air sebab terkejut aku jerit, aku yang kuak lentang sampai atas darat sebab terkejut tgk dia. Idok ke naye biawok tu nanti, so baik jangan. Lagi pun tasik pon dalam gile kot, sekerat buku lali je. Boleh lemas kalo jatuh. Akakak! Dengan harapan, next time I come here untuk hantar report, aku buleh berkayuh kayan di dalam tasik yang used to be indah tu. :). Please and thank you.
ni the other side of the lake. |
ni gambar years ago, x gamok nak letak latest one. =_= |
After Tasik Sime Darby, another place yang menjadi favourite students untuk melaksanakan rekreasi adelah litar go-kart. Penah main skali mase sem 3, lepas tu terus x main dah sebab.. tak tau la. Macam tak main pon okay kot. Ha3!
ini die tempat untuk dragggggg!! |
Untuk equestrian park ni, agak cool la jugak sebab dapat tengok kuda-kuda yang stallion kat dalam kadang tu. Dark black, shiny and strong. Stride away with them are way too cool. Ngee! Pepagi selalu la nampak kuda-kuda ni berlari warm up kat park die tu. Sangat la amusing, they look strong. :)
HEART OF UUM! yes, the only heart of UUM is Dewan Muadzam Shah, dewan utama UUM. All important events happened here. From examinations to convocations. Yep, it brings various form of feelings to me a student sebab kat sini la kepala rase kecik je sebab nak exam and kat sini jugak la akan berlaku something big in my life, convocation day. InsyaAllah. Dewan ni kalo from the air memang obviously obvious la. Ngee! I do like kawasan sini sebab agak stunning die punye view and kalo shooting memang cun ah. Yep, enjoy la beberape keping pictures ni.
ni view dari belakang. |
dari depan,macam hebat.koh3! |
inilah kami, wakil UUM yg tersohor! :p |
kalo alignment jam ni lari, please do call us. kih3! |
dont ask how I end up there. |
Next is, DTSO atau Dewan Tan Sri Othman. Dewan least favourite sebab jauh skat and kurang lawa. Ha3! Sini sangatlah sibuk time graduates amik cloak and exam time. Weng2! Sini pon banyak events penting berlaku.
from front. |
pintu masuk yang agung. :D |
Masjid Besar Sultan Badlishah ni sangatlah dekat denagn bilik aku. Jalan kaki ngok ngek pon sampai, seronok dekat dengan masjid ni. Dengar orang azan sangatlah clear. Kalo hari Jumaat, boleh dengat khutbah dari bilik. Masjid antara kebanggan UUM sebab majority orang kat area Sintok akan semayang Jumaat kat sini. Kind of busy on Friday. Like it. Pusat Islam jugak located dalam kawasan masjid besar ni. Very situated, tepi jalan. Senang orang nak keluar masuk. :) So, ade beberape pics. Ihsan Ejah yang memang hebat area-area masjid ni sebab jai orang Pusat Islam nowadays. :D
clear sky,nice building of the mosque. |
Pusat Islam from distance. |
Yessss, everybody has their fav place kan, so I would like to tell where were my fav place in UUM. Kui3! Ade few la, ade tu unexpected place ever. Kalo dah suke, tak kesah pon kan. Well,taraaaaa..
cafe Sri Nongka kat EON.ho3!heaven on earth. |
fav spot for food searching any eyes catching. :p |
yessss,kat sini la best borak2 n gelak at midnight.
bersila dan kudapan. |
sini internet mmg laju,x sempat nk tekan search.
terus masuk. haha
P/S: untuk Taman Rusa, dah ade untuk previous entry. Kalo nak tengok,please do selak2 yang previous entry la.:)
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