Ogenki deska. Phew! Sedar tak sedar lagi tinggal 2 bulan akan koi bertapa di bumi Kuantan ni. Time flies, like a blink of eyes, you will never notice it till you lose it. Truth! Okay, nevermind, since ade 7 minggu lagi before tamat praktikum ni, niat hati dah nak nak buat report praktikum tapi apekan daya, contents pon tiada lagi. Hoho! Bukan tak nak buat, keinginan tu ade, sangat lah tinggi semangat tu, tapi... tapi... Haish.. Alasan memang best. Explanations are some kind of excuses. Bhahaha! Yeah, readings dah ade, cume tinggal nak kodey2 dalam Word je. Dengan harapan seminggu sebelum habis, koi berjaya menyiapkan report tu. Actually. this entry is not about report or whatever. This entry is something about someone who was besides me few years ago. But what can I, He loves her more and took her away from me when I'm not fully ready. Qada' and Qadar kan. Actually for the whole day, I kept thinking of all the things that we had done together and how great the time was. Well, actually, she was not like others grandma in this world. Very rare kind of grandma tho. Haha! True! Korang penah jumpe nenek yang sangat minat bola, till die kenal sorang2 footballer in EPL? Tak kan. Siap tau last season footballers tu dok kelab mane. And the best thing was, she was rebut2 all the footballers yang kacak bergaya with me. Her favourite was Zlatan Ibrahimovich. Mase tu mamat tu sangat popular dengan Inter Milan. Haha! Her fav English club was ManU and Chelsea. She was crazy about them and luckily she managed to visit Old Trafford. Hoh, ko ado? Tak... koi x ado. Mbahaha! Everyday, if I was at home, she will asks me to turn the sports channels on like ESPN, Starsport, Eurosport dll. She was enjoying all the games. Her fav Japanese club was Gamba Osaka. :). She loves sports very much. Besides football, rugby and badminton was her craziness. Seriously. And one more thing, she LOVES WWF. Haha! Tak percaye kan? Yeah, she knows everything about all the wrestlers. Her fav of course the Rock and she hates Triple H and his clans.
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Ape2 pon, to me, she is the best Jaddah ever lived and stays in me forever. Her memories fond in my mind. Still remember all the talks, jokes, chit chats all and those things we had together. This upcoming November, genap la 5 tahun she left us. She left me during my STPM examinations, so can you imagine how bad it was to that time? Devastated. So people out there, appreciate you grannies if they are still living. They wont live forever, layan la diorang sebaik mungkin like you treat your parents okay. :D So there will be no regrets. And I have no regrets at all. :)
Al-Fatihah to Siddi, Tok Ki, Jaddah Gayah and Jaddah Munah.
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