Wohohohoho! Anger and stress? Yes... both of it are psychological disorders. Hahaha!
It can attack you whenever they like lah! Sometimes, just because of the smallest thing
like when your remote control turned into dysfunctional mode.. Kan? Boleh dapat gaya balingan 
lempar cakera piala sekolah-sekolah la... Tak pon tekan sampai button number tu
tertembus kebelakang atau tenggelam tak timbul-timbul. Well, it happened to me this morning,
blaming why my mak beli remote control cikai tu. Like before, she will say that '' kamu tu
tu tekan remote macam gergasi. "... Ha.... Diam sudah kan.. Berlalu pergi je...

So, most of people faces this problem everyday, excuse me, normal people. -_-''. Lots of
way to face the anger and stressful day. Depends on people, some people will 
turn their problem into comfort foods, WHICH are DANGEROUS! Some people
will turn their problem onto their interests like sports, hobby etc. It can be swimming,
movies, musics, martial arts and even batu seremban. Main lah ape saje, asalkan hilang stress
dan kemarahan tu. :D Jangan yang pelik-pelik sudah, yang cuba sekali memang tak boleh cuba 
dah lepas tu seperti bawak kereta laju-laju langgar pili bomba atau mountain climbing
tanpa harness.

Besides, some people will turn onto their beliefs, like for Muslims, lots of methods to
tranquil and to calm themselves whenever they are in anger or stress condition. More 
spiritual. :)

It is all about controlling and holding yourself from it before worsen.


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