Salam people, am in Istanbul now, meeting my friends
here, and feeding them with rendang my mom
made a day before flying back to Turkey.
It was delicious, alhamdulillah, they enjoyed it
much. Thanks mama for the good
food you made, am missing you like heaven!
Papa & brothers too! Cousins too!
Malaysia & Malaysians too! 

Well, as you know, yesterday, capital city of Turkey
bombed, due to the crucial political clash 
here in Turkey,  banyak nyawa yang 
melayang. May Allah bless the souls, grant them with 
jannah amin. So people keep sending me messages
asking me am I fine or not, alhmadulillah.
Am good, still in one piece, just am touched
with people who are asking for my 
well being since they know that
an on-road person. :) Doakan jugak keselamatan
kawan2 saya di Ankara.

Thing is, with the upcoming election next month, 
crisis in the Turkey-Syria border everything, 
just hope things will be fine ya. No worries
insyaAllah, just prohibiting meself from
bringing meself to crowded places.
Even Taksim pun pernah kene bomb. Pape pon,
insyaAllah, no worries! :D Nak kata mati, duduk atas kerusi
kat rumah pun boleh mati. 

Take care then people.

Hugs & kisses! 


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