Assalamualaikum and good afternoon from Malaysia.
Wow, it has been almost a year since the last time I posted something here,
so many things has happened through first 6 months of my 2020.
I thought 2020 would be a great year for me, well it wasnt just me with the thought
right, others who were struggling with 2019 too.
 But am very much grateful with things has happened, there is always a khayr
in every bad things. 

With the current progress regarding Covid19 in Malaysia, am very much grateful,
alhamdulillah. All praise to Allah, He made everything possible, He made
Malaysia safe from the deadly virus. It wasnt easy for every each of us
to deal with the calamities, but Allah is great.
Made me more thankful to be at home, with family, in my own country,
benefiting the goodness. Alhamdulillah.

Well, this post is regarding asking parents to teach, educate yourself and your kids 
how to  be polite. The reason why am posting this
for the last few weeks,  I have watching so many documentaries
regarding people with different abilities etc.

First and foremost, educate yourself and your kids how to approach people 
with disabilities, be it grown ups or kids. I have been watching
a channel on YouTube called Special Books by Special Kids , I really do
love with the question 'how do you want people to treat you upon the disabilities that you have?'.
The answer would always be revolved around I want people
to understand what my disability is all about or I just want people
to be my friend, sit next to me and talk.

My heart hurts when they utter those because being me, Safura Kamil,
I really do understand that because I was growing up with a disability and still
living with it. When I was 6 my left eye was scratched by my family cat (which made
me very careful with cats up till now) which left me permanently lost the sight. 
I remember nothing living with 2 eyes and am very much comfortable living with
one eye, I feel very much normal tho. 
So, my left cornea happened to turned to grey colour, I still remember
kids used to stare at me due to my condition. Well, being me, 
growing up with boys, am glad I cared nothing back then. 
Haha, you could stare at me till you die or I will stare
at you back and widening my eyes like I am possessed.
There was a time I stare at a boy who was staring at me he ended up
crying. I just rolled my eyes and walked away. Am sorry, I was
8 that time, I was weird.

Back to the main point.

 Educate yourself first how to deal with physical/non-physical differences.
Educations starts at home.By educating yourself, you are changing the future. 
Honestly speaking.
Through reading, social medias etc, you can learn to approach people
with disabilities, starting with not staring. Staring is the 
worst, really. Stop staring at people with disabilities if they happen to
come to your way. Instead of staring, why dont you offer a help if
they a need a help for an example holding a door for blind man.
In terms of non physical differences, disabilities can be mentally challenged 
like autism, depression, PTSD and so much more.
Reading will save you from being an ignorant. If you happen to face
a situation where a kid with autism is having a meltdown and the parents
are helpless to contain his meltdown, offer a  help. Anything. Just ask.

Same goes to your kids, I have noticed kids under 6 tend to stare at
people with different ability a lot. In that phase, they are just curious.
As a parent, please notice that and explain to your kids what is that, why and how to
deal with their curiosity. Teach them how to be a person with empathy.
Let them know the differences that other people possessed
is another type of beautiful differences that should be
celebrated and learned, not to be frowned upon to. 

Parents, be nice to other parents who have kids with disabilities, and keep
your comments to yourself.
It seems like it is okay to give a piece of your unwanted 
opinion to the parents with disabilities kids.
Judging the parents as a failed parent by 
having a kid with disability. MasyaAllah, how narrow-minded a person
could be.  

Alrightyy, I think am done as for today. Wow,
I might be writing next post next year looking at my pace now.

Till then folks, take care, be careful, the Covid19 is still
out there preying on us.


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