Well, some people just like to travel alone, no rush, don't have to wait, free and easy and more space. Yeah, gotta find a perfect getaway for ourselves! But sometimes people just can't find a perfect companion for the trip, maybe because of time constrain. So, this entry is made specially for women as a lone ranger traveller. Sometimes, women just think that outside world is a safe place. But! Not very safe nowadays. You need to take precautions when you are alone, because women easily spotted and looked fragile. Phew... 

As a reminder for meself too tho. Bahaya kalau travel kat tempat yang kte tak biase. Jadinye, banyak cara nak elakkan dengan ade nye tips yang bersepah-sepah dalam internet. Buat research dulu before travelling alone sebab research yang nampak remeh ni la yang akan selamatkan jiwa dan raga kite when travelling alone. Keh3! Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kaki melepasi border line yang tak biase, buruk padahnye. Gituuuu.. Mbah3! So, sebagai seorang wanita yang concern diatas keselamatan kaum sejenis, ni ade sedikit tips keselamatan unutk mereka-mereka yang nak berjalan sorang-sorang ke pulau-pulau, negeri-negeri, atau mana-mana tempat yang x biasa kan.... 

Unless you are black belt holder, tomoi fighter, silat practiser, a night club bouncer, just go ahead. Use your incredible strength to avoid bad guys. Har3! Okaiii, balik pada objektif. Sila baca dengan teliti ye adik kakak mak cik kak cik. :D

  • Okay, this is important, the first thing that a women should do in the unfamiliar surroundings. Mende ni sangatla general untuk kite. Don't walking around with a map because thru this, people would know that you are a tourist. Kalau sesat, jangan terus panik, relax, if possible, find a place to sit, think back and draw attention to yourself. Walk confidently to somewhere where you can find your bearings and check you map or ask for directions. Hotel front desks are a good bet. 


  • Sentiasa berhati-hati dengan keadaan sekeliling sebab kite tak tau ape dalam kepala seseorang tu. Jangan mudah percaya dengan orang yang senang-senang nak tolong. Dan sentiasa ada nombor yang penting dalam phone macam nombor balai polis around the place. 
  • There are some places that you don't want to be at night, especially alone. Avoid it! Try to avoid eye contact with other people if possible. 

3. LIE

  • Memang menipu itu berdosa tapi tipu sunat boleh kot. Hihi! To save you ass off. Kalau jujur sangat pon bahay jugak kan. Yes, it's great to talk to a new people everytime you are out for backpacking. Sometimes, lies can be the best defense. So, the lie might can be wearing a FAKE  wedding ring, to show that you are not a best person to messed up or to play around. 
  • Jangan sesekali bagi tahu nama sebenar, tinggal kat hostel @ hotel mana sebab the person ight turn up at your place. 


  • Pastikan semua dokumen penting dalam keadaan selamat dan kalau boleh, elakkan dari letakkan semua dokumen tu dalam satu tempat yang  same. Yela, nobody knows what would happen next. 
  • Fotostat passport & kredit kad yang ada, in case kalau hilang, boleh call and block all the credit cards.
  • Don't carry too much cash in your wallet, just for everyday spends, if possible, use traveller's cheque.


  • Ni hanyelah untuk mengelakkan perhatian yang tak diperlukan. Janganlah pakai seksi sangat terutama kat kawasan perkampungan, sangatlah menarik perhatian. Pakai biase-biase je pon boleh, shirts and jeans, a comfy shoes. 

So, for today, ni je. Enjoy the song! :D


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