PANDA?? Pernah jumpe tak? Living panda? Kalo tak, same goes with me.
Panda ni boleh dikategorikan dalam golongan beruang. Kalau dah 
beruang, haruslah comel kan? Thanks for the compliments. 0_-'' Panda
ni patut dijadikan binatang kebesaran maskot Pahang sebab kaler die hitam & putih. 
Memang rare la! As you know, panda is an endangered species, so! you cant
do as your wish @ sasukahatimu because you will get punished for it. :D

So, here are some facts about GO GO PANDA!

1) Pandas can't hibernate during winter since their diet is not like other bears which
are meaty diet. Pandas eat bamboo roots only, no carbo can be stored
during the winter. So, excuse me to the KITCHEN. :D

2) Pandas are immune to all human illness except
chicken pox. If they were infected, in tenth day of illness, their eyeballs will fall

3) A blindfolded panda will always headed north due to the high iron content 
in the panda's liver. It makes the animal slightly MAGNETIC.

4) Panda smells through ears and hears through nose. Ek?

5) A wild giant panda's diet is almost exclusively 99 percent


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