Do you have one? If you don't, you seriously need one. Yup! Kind of important, because
I have one. Hehe.. I love having scrap book cause it helps me keep things that very memorable
and seems like hard to find. Macam-macam yang berupa kertas la boleh sumbat dalam tu.
Start buat scrap book mase sekolah lagi, I have few now. Dalam scrap book tu
boleh simpan memories yang susah nak dapat for the second time like tickets, money
notes from friends, postcards etc. Boleh D.I.Y project by making a scrap book if you
like, but to me, it's more like to D.I.E project, so I just buy one. :)
Scrap book ni boleh cari kat kedai buku, kalau tak boleh beli photo album yang cover ngan
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