Well, I hope it's not to late to wish congratulations to all SPMs and STPMs 
2012 candidates! Yay! Yang cemerlang tu alhamdulillah sangat2 and yang kurang cemerlang,
jangan risau, this is not an end. Never think of that! Trust me,
lots of things you have to pursue in life, banyak cabang lagi yang boleh korang
teroka. Learn from the best! Haha! I was not a bright student, seriously
I'm not, but Allah ease my education path. Alhamdulillah, syukur sangat.
So jangan cepat putus asa, a word from my senior, doesnt mean that you are not the best student
during your high school, you will be a loser forever. No no no no! :D

We always can be somebody, if we try harder. InsyaAllah, with a luck
and rezeki serta usaha, kita boleh berjaya. :D


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