Okay, since the first time I know how to settle things up in public counters
and government services, I rarely have a good feelings about them. I dont
know why because they dont know how to serve people. Seriously! It gives me
such a grrr actually. Tak semua tapi sebilangannya dan banyak kene
dari tak kene. Hadoh la.... Contohnya datang nak buat IC, kite tercongok
depan kaunter buat tak nampak pastu bile kite tanye "Cik, mana nak buat IC ye?
In charge person yang mana ek".. Pastu tanpa pandang, boleh datang lepas
lunch tak?
Waddehel...... Baru pukul 11.45 pagi, pastu layan aku ni macam pengikut
si Kiram tu, mintak IC yg macam aku tak layak. Aduh.. Jantung nak meletup, nak hentak2
je kepala minah tu kat bucu meja die tu. Nak kate ramai, hehe... Kaunter ko
dan jiran ko je bukak.. Aduh...

One more, government clinic. Aduhai.... As my previous entry, I said I went
to the clinic because not feeling well. Okay, she is a young doctor, as I entered into
her room, she dont even look at me, and said "yes?".. Aku dah meremang
dah.. Nak je cakap, "doktor nk minum milo?" Pastu aku dah 
pung pang pung pang cakap what is wrong with me, 
all of my symptoms, she keeps writing on a paper, and she dont
even take my BP reading.. 
DAN! I yang mintak nak buat blood test ooooookkkkaaaayyyy!!
Siap tanye untuk ape blood test tu?.Kalo saye kate saya
nak buat virgin Mary potato chips boleh? Tolonglah
be nice to your patients, because it's your job. And smile!
I bet you have a nice smile doc! I dont expect
you have to be as good as Dr. Patrick Wilson.

Aduh... doktor.. kalo marah kene hantar kat kampung ceruk ni pun,
tak payah la buat perangai macam tu.. I have an experience working at 
a clinic, so I know how a doctor should work. -_-''


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