Morning! Literally. Haha! Baru pukul 9 lebeh here, still early. Sunrise at 4.30 am, by 5.30
dah bangun, sebab terang. Ngoh3! Perasaan macam bangun lambat. Woot2!
Yesterday evening, I was walking alone cross Leaszes Park sebab
sakit perut, sungut2. So really need to walk so can ease
the pain. Sejuk memang sejuk, tapi dah jalan tu peluh jugok.
Tengok swans, pigeons, ducks and ntah ape2 spesies burung lagi.
Watching daffodils blooming, tapi dah petang, die layu
sket. Memang kene keep walking, if you are sitting on the
bench and staring at the lake, you will feel the brain freeze. Wa3!
Mat salleh dop la, tapi berdarah Melayu piau macam koi ni,
memang boleh jadi tugu di tepi jalan. Yeah!!
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backside of St. James' Stadium, official stadium for Newcastle United. |
Lepas jalan2 for almost 2 hours, I decided to back home, sebab dah
berhingus, sejuk. Muka memang ketat sebab tegang, ditampo
angin sejuk dingin. Dengki betul angin. Hokeng, nak jalang2
ngan Aisha, treat her for chips at McDonald.
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