Bismillah.. Fuh! Again, am going back to be a student soon enough, before
my eyes. Alhamdulillah, this is what I want since I was in semester 1.
Being a student, a graduate student. Hew3!
Well, am going to Turkey
to further my study for two years. InsyaAllah, and am really need your
prayers. May Allah ease my life there and bring the scroll back to
Malaysia safely, and all my limbs still intact to my body. Amin.
Am accepted to do my Masters in International Relations
at Kocaeli University, a beautiful university, facing Marmara Sea, 1 hour
and half from Istanbul. And all the expenses will be under
Turkish Government. Alhamdulillah, all these things were unexpected
really. I got the interview for the scholarship when I was in UK, and the funny
thing was I just arrived in UK just for a week before they send
me an email about the interview. And yes,
I jumped into the jet, heading back to Malaysia just to attend the interview,
with a big hope, hoping all the money spent on the ticket worth it.
Thanks ami! :D And thanks abam Medi
saye kerana gigih datang KL & campak saye kat Turkish Embassy.
Despite this happy news, there something that I have to let go,
my undergrad GRADUATION DAY! Haha! Poor my, I cant
attend my own graduation day and I cant have a blast insane happy
graduation day with me lovey crazy friends. But it's okay,
there something I have to let go because of other good things.
Ingat belajar ekonomi dulu?? Hew3!
Other good news is, am happy to hear few of my coursemates are going
to further their study too. Alhamdulillah, rezeki kami semua sambung.
Ada yang tukar course and uni, new experience isnt? Haha! Me,
tukar uni je, tak mampu nak tukar course, malas nak belajar
bende baru okeng! Hew3!
Got to go, pening dah tengok laptop. Adios! :D
Other good news is, am happy to hear few of my coursemates are going
to further their study too. Alhamdulillah, rezeki kami semua sambung.
Ada yang tukar course and uni, new experience isnt? Haha! Me,
tukar uni je, tak mampu nak tukar course, malas nak belajar
bende baru okeng! Hew3!
Got to go, pening dah tengok laptop. Adios! :D
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