Alhamdulillah, eventually spring is here, it means that it will
lots of rainy day coming. Fuh! Thank God school is just few meters
away. Am not a fan of flowers but I really do enjoy
the existence of flowers, because no one would say flowers
are hideous. Haha. Flowers are beautiful and it brings life,
especially the vibrant colours do attracts bees, butterflies or whatever
kind of insects. But! I'd never thought that at some
point I would face problem during spring. Yep! Since spring 2014,
I started to develop allergy towards pollen. It's
all started when I was walking in town with a friend of mine,
walking under the line of trees in the middle of
town, I started having like a sickness, I kept
sneezing all the way long, my head just started burning.
It was awful, in my head, oh no, am I having spring allergy?
Those flying particles hurt my nose and eyes. Wahh!
Never thought that I would have this, never before
since it wasnt my first spring abroad. Stress gile oi!
Orang yang payah sakit tapi dikalahkan oleh bunga dan pokok.
On the next day, am totally collapsed, bed ridden for 3 days,
made it worst, on the next Monday, I had exams. I was so lucky
I passed, I didnt get up from bed for 2 or 3 days, it was
horrible. Okay, spring is a season where am going to
confine meself indoor. Haha.
Berpantang bak kata orang Melayu. Debe ah....
Well, cant wait to see dandelions, daises, bluebells and
other flowers! And yeah, poppy like flowers too. Beautiful!
Till then people, I need your prayers for my second
semester, most of my lecturers are from my previous
semester, but the challenges would be different. I need
your prayers very much, thank you.
Yup, one more thing, Ramadhan is few months away,
I cant wait to see the blessed Ramadhan seriously,
insyaAllah this year am going to celebrate the whole Ramadhan
in Malaysia. Weahhooo!! Param! Tunggu hakuuu! :3
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