Salam, flowers! Well, when you are thinking about spring,
what is the first thing in you mind? 

Demmit! Haha. Well, me, just one word,
ALLERGY! Tadaaa!
Yes, am allergic to flowers and pollen. Can you believe Safura Kamil
defeated by flowers? Never thought one before because
spring in Turkey isnt my first, I have experienced spring season
in other places too, but nothing like here, I dont
know why. Haha. A day outside equal to 1 week on bed.
Am survived under 0 subfreezing temperature but not
spring, which should be my playful season. Okay, am
not complaining, just telling, at least
am not allergic to summer, if not my mom
would denounce me. Ahaha!
Nyah kamu dari Malaysia, allergic summer
kunun, sah-sah kulit hi'TAN'. Eh? 

Actually, my allergy reaction started last 2 weeks 
when my friends and I went to the tulips park in
Seka Park, yep, later that night I started developing
sore-throat but it went off after 2 days because I drank
lemon+honey wonder potion. Haha. 

But last weekend I went to Istanbul, and walking outside
under the sunshine till evening. Haa, masa tu dah rasa
pening-pening angau dilamun cinta dah,
sejuk panas sejuk panas, sebab pollen.
Nak belanja gambar masa kat Istanbul sket.

Once I arrived in Kocaeli, sah, kau dah dapat penyakit
kau Safura Kamil. Kih3!  Later that night, I went to bed with severe 
headache especially at the back and middle of my head and neck, and at the same
time am so sure that am dehydrated. I didnt take any medication
because I dont want to pass out because of the drugs so I can
drink and re-hydrated my body back. The next day,
ow yeah! Super headache, but managed to meet my lecturer,
because he is so unreachable. Haha. Macam biskot chipsmore sekejap
ada pastu lameeeeee  takde. Moga Allah panjangkan usianya, amin.
Back from school, again, I climbed up on my bed and later nowhere to be found 
Safura Kamil. Haha. Pengsan terus, pecah kepala confirmed! 

Tapi dalam sakit-sakit tu, tahu Sami Yusuf nak datang,
gigihkan jugak, makan ubat allergic bagai, and am not
expecting to meet him in the middle of tulips field lahaiii...
Haha, lemah lutut bila tau sebenarnye kena pi
kat bunga banyak2 tu, tengah padang, because I though
it was going to be in the hotel where we had our lunch.
Wrong! Okay, talk no more, here are some pictures.

Wrap it up, Sami Yusuf is a handsome guy but I think 
lelaki Melayu lagi handsome, eh? Haha. What an angelic
voice he has. Okay, less than 3 hours there, I had like a 
super headache and now am having mild cough already,
trying to fight it with lemon and honey.
Once I get to room, instantly grab my pills
and sleep. Now my voice is changing, rasa
dalam tekak macam ada porcupine je,
my neck is hurting, my skin is very warm, at the same time
my waist hurts too. I couldn't walk for a long distance. Ni kalau
letak tangan kat mama ni, mama cakap dedor kamu ni..
Wah! Mama plak jauh. 

Nasib baik ada minyak cap Kapak, ahaha! Minyak
cap Kapak is totally my life savior, a must have ointment
for Malaysians. Malam tadi tak boleh tido
sebab blocking nose, I just pour it on my forehead,
and then the minyak went down to my cheeks everything,
am just oh my God, jangan masuk mata oi! I just
rub it on all over the face, berseri berangin
muka aku tengah malam semalam. Ahaha. Tapi
dapat tidur dengan lena, bukan setakat hidung
lapang, hati pun jadi lapang. Alhamdulillah.
(Sebenarnya malas nak sapu sopan-sopan sebab
kena bukak mata, curah je senang)

Okaylah, pening otak dah actually ni, mabuk
apa pon aku tak tahu. Sekali lagi musin bunga untuk Safura Kamil
di Turki next year sebelum habis, insyaAllah. 


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