TRABZON-RIZE [4-7/11/2016]
Assalamualaikum people, how are you? Well, am good alhamdulillah,
since am 27 already today! Hew3! Alhamdulillah, another year
of me, being Safura Kamil. 27, yes, 27. Any difference?
Not much except I gained weight when I was back in Malaysia,
well I mean homecooked food, are you crazy? *dancing
Am back in Turkey Monday last week, and few days later
I went on a weekend getaway with the crazy heads. The perpetrators
were Timah abla, Zinnirah abla and Husna abla. All were
last minute planned and it was a success. So the theory
that if you planned things last minutes will be a success. Okay,
cool Safura. Stick with that till 100. Haha! 73 years to go.
Okay, since Timah is back for her certificate, she decided to
have a weekend getaway with us. On Thursday, I took
the 6.00 pm bus to Istanbul since Istanbul and Kocaeli is just like 1 hour
and 1/2, so I arrived there around 8 pm. Our flight
to Trabzon was early in the morning, around 7 am if am not
mistaken, well since am suffering from
short temporal memory lost. Haha. No worries, I still know
my name. Yes, thanks. From Yusufpasa, we took a cab to
Taksim, and from Taksim we took Havabus to
Sabiha Gokcen airport. Since it was in the middle of the night,
the traffic was perfect, it took only like 30 minutes to arrive.
We hang out a bit at McDonald, I grabbed my love
potion, coffee, eat bihun by Husna while waiting for Subuh.
So, after Subuh of we went to gate waiting for our flight. Flight was
delayed a bit, but other than that, it was okay, hoping
for the weather in Trabzon is okay.
Ended up the weather was perfect! Haha. Timah and I rushed
to the rent car company to collect our car whilst Husna and
Zinnirah were left to collect our bags. So! Yeah,
after few things with the rent car company, we took
white Fiat Linea, fuel the car up and off we went.
We opted for a diesel car because diesel is cheap here,
but not as cheap as Malaysia. Hahaha! Way much cheaper
back home. *cryinginpain
Okay, first thing when they handed us the car, check the car!
Take pictures of the car, inside out while the owner is still there.
Just in case ya, and please do take the tire and windshields
insurance, just in case. Who knows, if mishaps happened,
you don't have to spend your fortune on it. Haha.
Going to be our chariot for 3 days. |
So, we hoped into our chariot and next is fuel the
car. Haha! Our fist destination upon arrival was Uzungol,
a long lake on top of a mountain. So we drove up to see the view,
and alhamdulillah, the weather was treating us good that day.
We were blessed, clear blue sky and not too cold. Still, cold.
Haha. But knowing me, not till am shivering, am okay
without coat. *dancing
The view was magnificent seriously, since now is the
transition between autumn to winter. So, the dreadful
and wet autumn is going to over soon, the harsh and
cold winter is saying hello baby to us. I was quiet worried
because this is going to be my first time me driving manual
up to mountain, and thinking the possibility if something happened
I can't reach one of my brothers, haha. Panic! But, well, since am a handsome
lady, no worries. Brothers! Am all grown up! Thanks!
Back to the main story, we drove to Caykara
for Uzungol, so I was so into the driving, focusing and the girls
just keep screaming wow! wah! masyaAllah to the view.
Am just oh gosh! Give me the chance too. Haha.
They were busy taking pictures and videos, who doesnt!
Too beautiful! You can see the leaves changing colour,
making the soil as their resting bed. Beautiful wallah!
We were feasted with beautiful sceneries along the way up
and! the urge to stop every few kilometres to snap pictures
was inevitable! Haha. But we hold our lust towards
nature that day.
Here are the pictures!
Second destination was Pileki Magrasi of Cave of Pileki,
and this place is in Rize, another province, and the view is stunning.
Again! We were well fed with the views seriously. These two
provinces are facing the Black Sea and from Rize its just
2 hours hour away from Batumi, Georgia. Very near, we were tempted to go
but time was so envy of us, besides we have 2 young schoolers along. Haha.
Zinnirah and Husna. They have school to attend, yeah, so it says,
The road up there was quiet tricky and narrow, no divider and thanks
to google maps, we managed to find the place. So when we arrived up there,
we saw the board to the cave, but! the turn was crazy! Haha.
Geometrically it was a 90 degree angle turn. Kau gile ke hoi!
So, we decided to park the car first and send the young schoolers to
survey how is the turn and road down. ( Deme askar peninjau )
Unfortunately, the were so into the view, they forgot
what Timah and I asked for. Hurm.. *rollingeyes
They were so busy capturing and do selfies between them, can you
imagine. Haha. Nak tak nak, aku ngan Timah keluar kereta,
terjebak pulak sebab memang cantik hoi!
This place is surrounded by tea plantations, you can
find tea places here, all over the place. This place
reminds me of Cameron Highlands. Rize also called as
the land of tea, because tea is everywhere. Haha.
When we were there, we were out of season actually, so
the place was empty. Well, now its autumn isnt it?
Summer no longer linger around us, see you next year
darling. We went into the cave, it was quiet dark and
it was so funny like just 4 crazy heads looking for nothing inside
the cave. Well, the most important is the time we spent
together isn't ti? Most of the time we were astonished
with the view seriously. All you can see green there and
keep admiring His creations, perfect. Just perfect,
best Creator isn't it?
Later, we opted for the tea drinking, is a must if you visit Turkey and besides,
hello, you are in the land of tea. Haha. Fresh tea is available
24/7. Off we went to Caykur place, in the city center but still on a hill.
Haha. The only time that I drove on a flat land was
near to the sea, the rest, up and down hills and mountains.
Okay! Driving skills improved! Check!
The price was reasonable, for one small cay demlik
just 9tl, enough for 4 person. Cool!
After we had our tea, went for our dinner,
off we went to our lodging that night. The place
was quiet secluded but near to river, its beautiful.
Your can hear the water at night, but unfortunately
the heater wasnt working that night, so we were asking
for extra blankets and duvets, Slept like a baby for the rest of the night,
like a baby too. I slept like around 8 something and by 1 am,
am wide awake, but maintained my position
under the blanket layers due to coldness. Hahaha.
Just move my fingers because I was on my phone.
Rise and shine babies! So, since it was a last minute trip,
early in the cold morning, we sat in the balcony facing
the river and discussing which place should we go
first, while having breakfast, covered with duvet
like a pontianak ( Malay version of vampire ) and trust me,
it wasnt cute at all. Haha.
So, we decided for the arch bridge hunting, like those bridges
in Europe. They have a lot there, one in every kilometres.
Its stunning seriously, am just I wish I could stop and take pictures
at every each of the bridge. But cannot maaaa....
Well, first few kilometres of our journey that morning we stopped
at this certain place next to the river, because we saw
a very beautiful wooden house surrounded by tree
plantations and we saw like few women were busy
collecting something from the tea trees. We decided to say hi,
and it was great. Actually the season was over, now they're just
collecting the seeds for next season.
Okay! Timah and I kept chanting focus on our destinations
people, focus! But few minutes later each one of us started to scream
wehhh look at that! Cantikmye! Let's stop! Hahahahaah!
Kapoof! All gone! Weirdos!
We stopped at few bridges along the way, accidentally.
Well, guilt was there but! But! But! Butts! :p
Okay, after we were distracted by bridges and beautiful sceneries,
and after trying hard not to stop, we went straight
up to the Kackar Mountain National Park,
well, I can't stop myself from repeating
how beautiful the scenery was. Am just please please
let me enjoy the view but need to focus on driving,
since am carrying 3 innocent *coughing souls with me. Haha.
They were so busy taking pictures and videos, the windows were open
and we were enjoying the fresh mountain air. MasyaAllah.
My lungs were happy and thanked me for that. No worries baby,
that's why am not smoking, because me love you.
Later Timah and I went for ziplining or flying fox, it was awesome.
The abi was friendly and nice, he gave us discount. Haha.
2 person for 15tl. Since am heavy, my butts slapped by
dried tree branches and sticks. Haha. Hampeh!
Timah tak kene pon. *rollingeyes
With those magnificent views, it was so hard for us to move on
with our next destination, it seems like having two eyes is not enough.
let me have a break with my love potion. |
Alright, from the national park, we went down the mountain
ask Zil Kale is our next destination, and the road way up
there was more challenging since we've had encountered two
landslides, which happened a day or two before.
Nerve wrecking jugak la hoi! Haha.
The road was wet, knowing these people's
way of driving. I think my heart kept collapsing you know. -_-
Along the way here, we stumbled upon arch bridges
a lot!
About Zilkale, Zilkale is a medieval castle and were completed between
14 to 15th century. Zilkale is my favourite place actually, maybe am
a medieval history freak. Can you imagine people
back then built a structure on top of a mountain with no
modern equipment which lasted for hundred years. Gishh!
Look at out structures now? Haha.
Done with Zilkale, we drove down while the sun is there since it is
quiet dangerous to drive down at night with the road condition.
Wet and narrow. So we went straight to our next lodging, between Rize and Trabzon,
facing the Black Sea and the price was very reasonable. For the
whole apartment was 25 euro per night. Fully furnished!
We were so happy okay! Haha. Before heading
there, we stopped for sunset first while
enjoying the sea breeze.
Okay, day 3, alhamdulillah once again the weather was perfect
eventhough in the morning, it seems like going to rain.
But! Life goes on! Haha.
So we headed for Cal Magarasi, of the Cave of Cal. Driving
up there was challenging too. Haha.
Good thing was I wasnt ready, if am ready and knew about
the condition of the road, I might park the car
aside and walk. Hahah. Cry and call for my brothers.
Nope nope nope! Not me at all, hardheaded Safura Kamil.
I dont think twice.
![]() |
Keep feeding me, am ready to bring you to every corner of the world. Husna's job to do so. |
So the road up there was quiet dangerous, because narrow, unpaved,
through farms etc. So when were driving up through houses
there, there were like a local pick up truck,
the uncle was driving at the verge okay! So
Timah was gelabah ayam (panicking) and start screaming and
mumbling kakak Pura, drive closer to this side!!! She was holding her
door and it seemed like she was about to jump
out of the window! Hahahaha! Ah ma gad!!
I was laughing like hell!
When we were driving through the farms etc,
all the kids were busy greeting the folks,
with their heads out of the window. I couldnt do that,
haha! Ko nak mati? Masuk gaung sat gi!
Zinnirah was so happy, yes she's a happy kid,
when we passed a herd of cows, she
asked the cows, haiii, awak ni lembu ke haiwan?
(you are cow or animal?) Husna, Timah and I
just like seriously Zin?? Aku rase macam nak turun
kereta gelak guling-guling dulu baru sambung drive.
Other crazy story was once we're done touring inside the cave,
I gave the car key to her since am going to take pictures
with Zin. There was a another white Fiat Linea car there.
So! Timah keep punching the lock but the car didnt unlock,
Husna was with her too,
till the entrance guy pointed at them
that it's not your carrrrr! hahahaha!
Yours is the other one! I was like huh??!!
Seriously kiddos! Haha.
Among those destinations we went, this is the highest and dangerous
one I think.
Sharp turns inevitable till Zinnirah terbalik (tumbled)
behind. Haha. I mean like terbalik macam domino.
Sorry Zinnirah, I love you. Haha. Serious, I am.
This monastery was built in 4th century and had
been under few empires already. So this monastery had seen
so many changes along the history. This place is magnificent,
situated facing gorges, built on the verge of a mountain,
heaven MasyaAllah. Unfortunately, we were not able
to walk to the monastery since there were landslides
days before, kecewa jugak la. -_-
So here are the pictures.
So, that was it! We bough souvenirs a bit and head down
happily. The souvenirs place's keepers were
so surprised that we can speak Turkish and
she delightedly asked us whether
she could have a snap or two with us.
Okay, on the way down, Zinnirah, all in sudden she asked
me to stop near a small mini waterfall.
Kakak Pura, nanti stop kat air terjun kecik tu eh. Kite nak pegang
air. Ko agak2 ko tak pelik ke tetibe nak pegang air. Haha.
Selama ni mandi dry cleaning ke. Hahaha. Timah and I
were bursting into the clouds laughing, don't know how to reply.
We stopped, let her touch the water, so called, and Husna
entertained her with pictures etc. Adoi! Haha.
Later that night, got a surprise birthday celebration, haha.
They bought me a chocolate cake, favourite!
Tesekkuler kizlar! Seviyom size, optum!
We left the place with heavy heart, especially Zinnirah and Husna,
since they are schoolers! Haha! Sorry babies, reality hurts.
Done! Till then people. Mengantuk plaks!
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh sakit perut gelak hahahaha xoxo
ReplyDeleteHahaha gila la cerita salah kereta tu 😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteBtw the cake was a tiramisu cake ok, bukan choc cake. Ahahah