Salam people, yes eventually I found the pictures when kak Fiz
and I were in Riga and Tallinn, goodness
gracious after days looking for it. Yes, from 
Vilnius, we left Ika and heading to Riga, we took night 
bus. So when we were traveling to Riga, we quiet
confused because there were not immigration
stopping at all. We were puzzled, we looked at each other.
Haha, and just huh! So no Latvia stamp on our passport. 
We arrived at 5 am, with blowing snow, 
and the city tram was about to work.
We were walking like a senseless duck in the early of
morning, so we decided to ask a front desk lady
this certain hotel. Eventually, managed to find our lodging there,
it was a bed & breakfast place, it was comfortable though.

Next destination is Tallin, Estonia. In Tallin, we went to Old City of Tallinn,
its freaking beautiful seriously, its in the middle
of city, so easy to go there from the bus station,
few stations only by tram. The funny thing is, 
there, trams stopped in the middle of the road, haha,
but the drivers there are civilized, once they see 
the tram stopped, they will stopped the car 
and give way to people to cross the
road. Haha. Kak Fiz and I just, wow! bestnye,
tak takut kene langgar macam kat Turki
lah. :p

Oh the last picture is the picture of Ika making
sushi with this Lithuanian girl. haha. Boleh
pulek buat sushi kat sane, ika nak makan sangat, lel. 
It was a great trip tho. 

Till then!


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